Yorkshire Durham Geometry Days



A Yorkshire Durham Geometry Day will be held on Friday 15 June 2007 at the University of York. The programme is as follows:


10.30 Coffee Mathematics Department Common Room (Room G109, Goodricke College)


11.30 Luis Fernandez (Durham) Room PL002 (Physics/Electronics)

"Regularity of the moduli space of harmonic 2-spheres in the 4-sphere"


12.30 Lunch


13.30 Declan Davis (Liverpool) Room PL002

"Affine differential geometry and singularity theory"

14.40 Anestis Fotiadis (Warwick) Room PL002

"Harmonic extensions of symmetric maps"

15.45 Tea Break Maths Common Room


16.30 Andrew Dancer (Oxford) Room PL002

"Symplectic versus hyper-Kaehler geometry"


All are welcome, and there will be an early evening meal in York for all who are able to stay.

Click here for a PDF file of the schedule.



Click here for a web-friendly map of the University of York main (Heslington) campus, which is where the meeting will be held. Goodricke College is building no. 24, Wentworth College is building no. 29, and Derwent College is building no. 23. Physics/Electronics is building no. 14, adjacent to Goodricke College, and room PL002 is a lecture theatre on the ground floor situated towards the far end on the right (walking from Goodricke). If you have trouble finding any of these venues, ask at Goodricke porter's desk.
Click here for a campus map highlighting all the car parks. Parking is available in any of the four General Car Parks (North, South, West or Central), of which South and West are the most convenient for our meeting. Be sure to feed the Pay and Display machine: £2 for up to 4 hours, £4 for the day. We will reimburse this charge. (However, we won't reimburse the cost of removing a wheel clamp!)
Click here for a map of the university in relation to the local main roads.
Click here for a map of the university in relation to the City of York, including the location of York railway station. The distance from the station to campus is about 1.5 miles. Bus no. 4, which now operates with purple articulated "ftr" vehicles, calls just outside the station and stops on University Road under the bridge connecting buildings 8 (Library) and 9 (Computing Services) on the campus map; it runs every 10 minutes and costs £1.50 (exact fare required). Taxis are also available from the station, and cost between £5 and £8.

This meeting is the third and final Yorkshire Durham Geometry Day to be held during the 2006/07 academic year, organized by geometers at the Universities of Durham, Leeds and York. The local organizers are:

John Bolton & Wilhelm Klingenberg, University of Durham

John C Wood, University of Leeds

Ian McIntosh & Chris Wood, University of York

Yorkshire Durham Geometry Days are supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society.