University of Durham --- Department of Mathematical Sciences

Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Days

A Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Day will be held on Wednesday March 14, 2012 at Durham University.

10:30 Coffee Mathematics Department Common Room CM211

11:00 Andre Neves (Imperial College London) CM221


12:15 Brendan Guilfoyle (IT Tralee) CM221

"A capillary problem in codimension two with application"

13:15 Lunch Mathematics Department Common Room CM211

14:15 Franz Pedit (University of Massachussets, Amherst, and University of Tuebingen) CLC203

Public Lecture: "The Willmore Conjecture - the first 50 years "

15:15 Unveiling of a sculpture representing a Willmore torus in front of Calman Learning Center

15:30 Refreshments CLC406

17:15 Leave from CM211 for dinner at The Capital, 69 Claypath.

Travel: Durham is easy to get to by car and train. Click here for relevant information.

A taxi from Durham station takes about 10 minutes and costs about 6 quid. If you intend to drive to Durham, please inform one of the Durham organisers, who will arrange for a car parking permit on the Science Site for you.

Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Days are jointly organised by the Universities of Durham, Leeds and York, and occur at a frequency of four meetings per academic year. Financial support is provided by the London Mathematical Society through a Scheme 3 grant, currently administered by the University of York. A record of previous meetings may be found here.

The local organizers are:

John Bolton & Wilhelm Klingenberg, University of Durham

Roger Bielawski & Martin Speight, University of Leeds

Ian McIntosh & Chris Wood, University of York