Yorkshire Durham Geometry Days



The Programme

11.00  Coffee/Tea

           Mathematics Coffee Room, G109, James College

11.30  Chris Wood (York)

Harmonic vector fields on space forms

           W222, Wentworth College

12.30  Lunch

           Edge, Wentworth College 


1.30  Norbert Peyerimhoff (Durham)

Geometric and analytic properties of noncompact harmonic spaces

         PL002, Physics

2.40  Aleksandra Borowka (Bath)

A generalized Felix-Kaledin construction for quaternionic manifolds

         PL002, Physics

3.45  Tea/Coffee

         G109, James College

4.30  Alexey Bolsinov (Loughborough)

New holonomy groups in pseudo-Riemannian geometry,

and integrable systems on Lie algebras

         PL002, Physics

All are welcome, and there will be an early evening meal in York for those able to stay.

A PDF file of the programme is available here.

Wednesday October 17, 2012 

Department of Mathematics, University of York


Click here for a map of the University of York main (Heslington West) campus, which is where the meeting will be held.  The Mathematics Department is situated in James College (formerly known as Goodricke College), and G109 is on the first floor.  (Caution: Goodricke College still exists, but has migrated to the new Heslington East campus.  Do not go there!)  Room W222 is a teaching room somewhat obscurely located on the second floor of Wentworth College, which is situated just across the lake from James.  Room PL002 is a lecture theatre in the Physics Department, adjacent to James.  If you have trouble finding these venues, please ask at the Mathematics Department Office, or James College Reception. 

Parking is available in any of the four General Car Parks (North, South, West or Central), of which South usually has most spaces, and is conveniently located.  Be sure to feed the Pay and Display machine: £6 for the day.  We will endeavour to reimburse this charge.  (However, we won't reimburse the cost of removing a wheel clamp!)


Click here for a map of the university in relation to the local main roads.


Click here for a map of the university in relation to the City of York, including the location of York railway station.  The distance from the station to campus is about 1.5 miles.  Buses no. 4 (operated by First York) and 44 (operated by York Pullman, and branded as “Unibus”) call just outside the station and stop on University Road under the bridge connecting the University Library to Vanbrugh College; the bus stop is called “Morrell Library”.  Both buses run “at frequent intervals” (in practice, every 10-15 minutes) and a return ticket to the university costs £2.  Taxis are also available from the station, and cost between £5 and £8.  Walking is a cheap and healthy alternative, at the risk of getting lost in York city centre!



Yorkshire Durham Geometry Days are organised by geometers at the Universities of Durham, Leeds and York, with support from the London Mathematical Society (Scheme 3).  The local organisers are:

Wilhelm Klingenberg, University of Durham

John C Wood, University of Leeds

Ian McIntosh & Chris Wood, University of York